– Home of Jewish Music
Who we are? The is a Hungary based cultural project. Our mission is to build a bridge between the Israeli, American and the European heeb culture through the common language of music and other aspects of arts. Culture is for everyone! You can listen to six different Jewish music channels for FREE!
For listening you might need Winamp Player
You can enjoy true jewish music for FREE with clicking on the headphone icons! If you like our site, help spread word around! Greater our audience, greater would be the effect and our motivation, and we can dedicate more time to get awesome resources!
You can support us with:
E-mail our site to a friend: You know which of them are into this sort of thing. There is a good chance that your friends might find this site a valuable resource. Don’t be shy in letting them know.
Add our link to your blog ot site: Do you own a blog or website? Great then! You could add us to your blogroll or write us and we give a banner. Banner exchange is valuable for both of us
How You can get a banner with Free radio channel?
Our new 120×240 banner includes a music player, so you can easily have music directly on your website! Right now it includes links to Hungarian articles, soon you can have banner without these texts!
This is a .php banner so you have to put this code into your website:
<!–Begin JewBox Headlines Ticker Code–>
<iframe id=”jewboxheadlines” src=”” width=”120″ height=”240″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ hspace=”0″ vspace=”0″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” ></iframe>
<!–End JewBox Headlines Ticker Code–>
If you are active on any social sites, let your friends know our link!
Thank you! Team
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