Summer of Change 2011 – get involved!

Paideia, JHub and ROI Community are looking for outstanding participants for their summer program for social entrepreneurship – the 2011 Summer of Change. The program consists of two different components: the Project-Incubator and JPropel.
For the Project-Incubator (August 2nd-14th), they are looking for:
– Individuals who want to create new projects for European Jewish life and culture
– Project leaders who want to take their project to the next level.

For JPropel (August 10th-14th), they are looking for:
– Creative and Social Entrepreneurs
– Change Agents & Community Professionals
– Connectors & Cultivators of Network Hubs
– Experts & Capacity Builders

The program will take place in Stockholm and Uppsala, with international staff from the foremost organizations in the US, Israel and Europe.

The only cost for the program is getting there.

For more information on the programs and to request an invitation to apply, visit their website at

Deadline for requesting an invitation to apply is May 12.

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